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business insiderbusiness insider
  1. ( all things D and business insider )


  2. From there , Business Insider ran with it .


  3. Some business insider say TikTok has a plan to IPO in the U.S. within one year if possible .


  4. Megan Rose Dickie follows online gaming for Website business insider .


  5. She tells Business Insider that it would have to be to embrace fear rather than run from it .


  6. And gigaom and business insider have their own research services for a broader tech audience .


  7. This was the second time the Supreme Court took up same-sex marriage , according to an article in Business Insider .


  8. Grumpy Cat even has her own line of coffee called " Grumppucino , " according to the Business Insider .


  9. The Business Insider blog speculates that Zynga will get free ad space on Facebook in return .


  10. That 's only a third of the average annual Manhattanite salary , Business Insider previously reported .


  11. Reiman previously told Business Insider that smiling demonstrates confidence , openness , warmth , and energy .


  12. According to Business Insider , two of those ideas include abolishing Russia 's national currency and allowing foreign interests to purchase state land .


  13. Her unauthorized biography is detailed here , by Business Insider 's Nicholas Carlson .


  14. An article in Business Insider advised giving an extra cash tip and not passing gas if you want a five-star rating .


  15. Business Insider has collected some of the best Siri responses to date in their list , which we 've published below .


  16. Shevinsky , watching on a live stream , was incensed enough to write a scathing post for Business Insider .


  17. Plus , Business Insider 's Shana Lebowitz previously reported that a 2012 study found that people perceive those who swear as being less intelligent .


  18. Per Business Insider 's testing , it appears that the labeling changes have already taken place , so developers who use the API should see the changes immediately .


  19. Business Insider reported in July that ISIS had seized 55 American M198 Howitzers from a fleeing Iraqi army .


  20. After Business Insider talked with the Belanich brothers to learn about their business , Joyride shows us what a week in the life of the company is like .


  21. Business Insider spoke with superyacht crew members who revealed they usually wake up before dawn and stay up through the middle of the night .


  22. Onstage at the Business Insider Ignition conference on Tuesday , the chief executive admitted that he dedicates just six hours per year to investor relations .


  23. Gitanjali 's invention was inspired by the scandal in Flint , Michigan , where officials are facing charges , she told Business Insider .


  24. Google and Facebook are flirting with buying Skype , business insider says Facebook Excs are considering a buyout or joint venture .


  25. Business Insider notes it is not clear yet whether the Smart Bike , which comes enabled with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth , will go into full production anytime soon .


  26. Fidgeting demonstrates nervousness and a lack of power , as body language expert and " The Power of Body Language " author Tonya Reiman previously told Business Insider .


  27. Ghostery reported 22 trackers on a page for Slate , 18 on one for Business Insider , 22 at The Wall Street Journal , and 26 for the New York Times .


  28. Business Insider recently released its list of the most powerful people in the tech world . Chinese innoavtors like Jack Ma , Ma Huateng and Robin Li are on the list .


  29. At a business insider conference Friday , ex-ipod hardware chief Tony fadell praised apple ( AAPL ) CEO Tim Cook as an innovator .


  30. Business Insider : " how big of a competitive advantage do mark and Sheryl think it will be for Facebook to have $ 10 billion or so in cash available . "
